Business Gas

Compare business gas prices

Whether you run a tiny tea room, or a group of gastropubs, you’ll need a good deal on business gas to make sure you’re not paying over odds for your energy – but if you’ve not switched suppliers recently, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.

man looking at tablet

Before you switch, though, it’s worth knowing a bit more about how business gas contracts work – although the switching process is pretty much the same as when you switch domestic suppliers, there are a few differences you’ll need to be aware of.

How to switch business gas suppliers

Switching to a better business gas deal is quick and easy – one call with an energy expert is all it takes to give us the information we need to compare what’s on offer and handle the switch from start to finish.

Our switching service is completely free and impartial, so it won’t cost you a single penny or a second more of your time to search the entire energy market.

We've partnered with Bionic to give you the benefit of their expert energy advice. Give the Bionic team a call now on 0800 088 6986. Or, if you prefer, give us your postcode, and we’ll give you a call back.

The Bionic energy experts use smart data to find all the info they need about your business and its energy needs. But it's still worth having the following info to hadnd, if possible:

  • The name of your current gas supplier
  • The name of your tariff, and its end date
  • Your supply type
  • How much gas your business uses

Once Bionic's energy experts have all this information, they will gather together the best value tariffs available, so you can make an informed decision on who will be supplying your gas. Simply let us know which deal you prefer, and we’ll set up your new contract with your new supplier.

It’s worth noting that you won’t be able to agree on a new deal until your current one has entered its ‘renewal window’ – for more information, check out How to switch business gas and electricity.

Why switch business gas supplier?

Unlike domestic energy deals, there are no off-the-shelf tariffs, and all commercial contracts are designed to meet the specific needs of each individual business.

But switching to a better-priced business gas tariff is a quick and easy way to cut costs, and it won’t impact the day-to-day running of your business – the gas still makes its way in through the existing pipes, meaning there’s no need for any digging or drilling at your workplace, and there’ll be no interruption to your supply.

Switching to a new deal also means you can choose the type of tariff you’re on. If you’ve just moved into a new business premises, or been stuck with the same supplier for years, you’ll have been placed on an expensive deemed rates or rollover tariff, but making the switch means you can choose between a better-priced fixed or flexible rate tariff.

Fixed rate tariffs are generally the more popular option, as they protect against price rises and make for more straightforward monthly budgeting, as costs remain more or less the same (depending upon consumption).

On the other hand, you might prefer a flexible tariff, which could see your energy bills drop if there is a fall in wholesale gas prices, and your supplier decides to pass on these savings – unfortunately, even if there is a drop in wholesale prices, there’s no guarantee your supplier will lower the rate you pay.

One big advantage of flexible tariffs is that some allow you to give just 30-days’ notice before switching, which could be ideal if you’re at a premises with a short-term lease, or run a pop-up shop. If you’re on a fixed tariff, you often have to give up to six months’ notice.

What happens when you switch business gas?

Once you’ve agreed to sign up with a new supplier, you can sit back and relax until the day of the switch. Your details will be passed on to your new supplier, and they will then sort out the rest of the switch with your current supplier.

Your new supplier will send you details of the switchover date and a copy of your energy contract. Be sure to thoroughly check the details, as there’s usually no cooling-off period with business energy contracts.

When everything is agreed, you’ll just need to take a meter reading on the day of the switch, and make sure any outstanding bills have been paid – your old supplier can block your switch if you owe them money.

What if you run your business from home?

If you work from home, you won’t be eligible for a business gas deal unless more than 50% of your energy use is for your business. This threshold can vary, between suppliers though, so it’s worth contacting your supplier to find out if a commercial tariff could save you money.

If you can’t take out a business tariff, just make sure you’re on the best domestic energy deal.

Why switch business gas suppliers with MoneySuperMarket?

The Bionic energy experts make it easy for you to switch to the best business gas deal by comparing all the available tariffs to find one that exactly suits the needs and budget of your business. No matter how much gas your business uses during working hours, we can help to lower your bills.

We compare a panel of trusted UK suppliers from right across the energy market, including the big names and smaller suppliers.

How can MoneySuperMarket get you cheaper business gas rates?

In short, we make it easy for you to compare gas quotes from across the market, so you can choose the best one for your business.

Business energy can be complex, especially as dual fuel tariffs aren’t really available and you need to source your gas and electricity on separate tariffs. Plus, businesses use more energy than homes, and costs can vary between suppliers, tariffs, types of business, and so on. To reflect that, quotes are bespoke to each business – and can take a while to gather.

MoneySuperMarket has partnered with Bionic to make that process quick and easy for you. We only need your postcode to start running quotes and we’ll do the hard work of gathering quotes from the suppliers we work with.

What contributes towards the cost of business gas?

Suppliers calculate the cost of your business gas based on a few factors. They include:

  • The type of business
  • The sector you operate in
  • The size of your business
  • Your location

Costs are also depend on the type of tariff you choose. The main kinds of business energy tariff are:

  • Fixed term – Charges are set at a fixed cost for a certain length of time, usually one to four years
  • Variable rate – Rates can go up or down depending on the state of the market
  • Extended – When your contract runs out with your supplier, they may offer you an extended or blend tariff
  • Flex approach – You bulk-buy energy in advance, giving you access to wholesale rates
  • Pass through – Your bill is split between fixed wholesale rates, and other charges like National Grid and Transmission Network Use of System
  • Deemed rate – This is the (often expensive) tariff you’re automatically put on if you don’t take out an energy contract

Should I worry if there’s another rise in energy prices?

Having undergone a period of deep uncertainty throughout 2021 and 2022, energy prices have stabilised in recent times and have fallen back from the very highest levels which caused so much concern for businesses and consumers alike.

While prices have dropped throughout 2023, there is still support for businesses available. In April 2023, the government replaced its Energy Bills Relief Scheme with the Energy Bills Discount Scheme. Running for 12 months until 31st March 2024, it offers a baseline discount for businesses, as well as further, targeted relief. Businesses can apply for via the government website.

The good news is that there are a growing number of more affordable fixed-price business energy tariffs which means that you can lock your monthly outgoings in for a longer period.

While global uncertainty means that there is no guarantee that energy prices won’t spike in the future, the fact that fixed-price deals can be found means that there are good opportunities to make savings.

How much should you pay for business gas?

If you’re unsure how much gas your business should be using, or how much its business gas rates should be, the tables below should give you a good idea.

Latest business gas prices per kWh

Business size Average annual usage (kWh) Average price (per kWh) Standing charge (daily) Average annual price
Micro business 5,000 - 15,000 7.7p 42.1p £924
Small business 15,000 - 30,000 7.6p 40.3p £1,857
Medium business 30,000 - 65,000 7.6p 48.3p £3,786

Note: Prices are correct as of May 2024. Rates and bill size may vary according to your meter type and business location. The prices you’re quoted may be different from the averages shown. The figures shown are the average unit rates and standing charges quoted by Bionic per business size from May 1 to May 7, 2024.

Should I fix my business gas price?

There are lots of factors to consider when it comes to fixing your business gas price. After a period of turbulence, prices are falling, meaning that suppliers are now offering a wider range of affordable fixed price business deals.

This means that there is a balancing act: stay on a variable rate and wait and see whether prices come down further? Or opt for a fixed term deal to guarantee stability for a set period?

The latter is almost always preferable, as variable rate deals tend to be much more expensive than fixed term ones and they make budgeting more difficult. A fixed rate means that you will know how much you have to spend on gas.

If you are on a deemed rate, having changed premises or not taken out a new deal, then fixing your energy is a must. Call Bionic on 0800 088 6986 now to arrange a new deal and start saving.

Are business gas prices capped?

Unlike consumer gas prices, which have been subject to price caps in order to ease the end cost, business gas prices are not capped. On the surface, this means they are more expensive.

However, the government’s Energy Bill Discount Scheme means that all businesses get relief on the cost of gas. Some can apply for further support, meaning that while a price cap isn’t available, support to ease the cost of gas is.

The Energy Bill Discount Scheme runs until 31st March 2024.

How can I reduce the cost of my business gas? Our business gas saving tips

  1. Compare and switch. There’s probably a better deal out there – especially if you’ve been with the same supplier for a long time.
  2. Install efficient tech. Try appliances with high efficiency ratings, upgraded boilers, and other eco-friendly technology.
  3. Invest in your premises. Make your premises as green as possible. You can insulate the walls, ceilings, and floors, or install double glazing.
  4. Turn the thermostat down. Even by just one degree. Many energy savings measures you take at home work just as well for your business.

How much money could switching save your business?

The amount you can save all depends upon the size of your company, the size of its premises, the number of employees, and its overall energy efficiency.

Give the Bionic business energy experts a call now on 0800 088 6986, and run a commercial gas comparison to find out exactly how much your business could save.