Business Electricity

Compare cheap electricity prices

If you think your business is paying over the odds for electricity, it’s time to switch to a better deal – but how can you be sure you’re getting the best business electricity rates out there?

man cleaning bar

MoneySuperMarket has teamed up Bionic - the UK's number one business energy comparison and switching service - to help you quickly and easily find the cheapest business electricity prices from their panel of trusted UK energy suppliers. All in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do it yourself.

But before you compare business energy quotes, there are a few things worth knowing that could help ensure you get the cheapest commercial electricity rates.

What rate should your business be paying for electricity?

The rate your business pays for electricity depends upon things like the size of the company, the size of its premises, the number of employees, and what, if any, energy efficiency measures are in place.

If you’ve no idea how much electricity a business the size of yours should be using, or how much you can expect its business electricity rates to be, the tables below should give you a good idea.

Average business electricity use

Business size Low end usage (kWh) High end usage (kWh)
Micro business 5,000 15,000
Small business 15,000 25,000
Medium business 25,000 50,000

Average business electricity prices per kWh

Business size Average annual usage (kWh) Average price (per kWh) Standing charge (daily) Average annual price
Micro business 5,000 - 15,000 14.4p - 15.9p 23p - 29p £900 - £2,244
Small business 15,000 - 25,000 14.3p - 15.1p 23p - 28p £2,367 - £3,660
Medium business 25,000 - 50,000 14.3p - 14.7p 23p - 27p £3,774 - £7,234

No matter how much electricity your business uses, Bionic may be able to help lower your bills. Give the business energy experts a call now on 0800 088 6986 to find out more.

How to get the cheapest business electricity prices

Before comparing commercial electricity suppliers online, you need to make sure your current deal has entered its renewal window, which it usually does between one and six months before its due to expire.

Don’t worry if you’re unsure when your current deal is due to enter its renewal window, your supplier will write to you and let you know, along with an automatic extension offer – do not accept this offer, else you’ll be placed onto a ‘rollover contract’, which will be one of the most expensive rates you can pay.

And once you’ve rejected the offer, make sure you terminate your current contract by email or post by the dates outlined in your renewal notice – if not, you’re current deal will be extended on the more expensive ‘rollover’ rate.

Then get in touch with the energy experts at Bionic to compare business electricity plans – a quick call is all it takes to give them the information they need to compare deals from a panel of trusted suppliers.

Once you’ve found a deal that suits, they'll take care of the switch so you can get on with the day-to-day running of your business.

For more details on how to switch business electricity, go to How to switch business gas and electricity supplier.

How to get the best electricity rates for multi-site and high-consumption businesses

If your business is located across a number of sites, and each location has its own meter, it could be more cost effective, and certainly more convenient, to have one provider overseeing your energy supply – you’ll have one bill showing the energy consumption of each site, and one renewal date.

If your business uses a lot of electricity – at least 100kW in any half hour period – across single or multiple sites, it’ll need to have half-hourly meters installed.

If your business has a maximum demand of 70kW or more then you’ll be given the option of half-hourly metering, which might be worth considering as the accuracy and regularity of the data supplied to your provider means prices are much more tailored to your needs and usage than regular pricing plans.

If you’re currently on a deal that doesn’t suit your business, or you think you’re paying too much for your electricity, or give the tech-enabled team at Bionic a call on 0800 088 6986.