Business Energy

Complaining About Your Energy Supplier

man on the phone

Issues with your energy service should be few and far between – if they exist at all – but you’ll still want to know how to complain about your business energy supplier. Energy supply complaints are an important part of any energy deal, allowing you to refute inaccurate bills and ensure you are receiving the service you expect. Whatever the reason for your complaints about your energy supplier, you’ll need to follow the correct procedures.

Email is often the best way to complain about your gas and electricity supplier. That’s because there are no charges or queues, which there may be via telephone. The only problem with email is that you don’t usually get an immediate response. If your problem is not of an urgent nature, check your provider’s website and submit your energy supply complaint digitally.

If you’d rather speak directly to your provider and get a response on the same day, you’ll need to be aware of the cost. Energy supply complaint lines are often charged. There also may be a long queue before you get to speak to a company representative, meaning you could end up with a larger than expected telephone bill. This is especially true if you are ringing via mobile.

How to complain about your energy supplier

When complaining about your energy supplier, remember that you are the customer. This means you are well within your rights to contact your energy provider with a complaint. Even if you’re not sure whether you should be complaining, you can still ask questions and raise your issue. Any complaints against electricity suppliers and gas suppliers should be dealt with in a straightforward manner. Your provider is legally required to provide you with correct information and accurate timescales.

When contacting your energy supplier, describe your problem as clearly as possible. Where possible, it’s worth stating how you expect the problem to be solved. Energy is big business, and with so many alternative companies vying for your custom, your current provider will most likely do everything possible to keep you happy. This means your issue should be resolved quickly and professionally.

On the rare occasion that your problem is not solved, there’s no need to worry. There are more options available.

How to escalate energy supplier complaints

If you haven’t had a viable solution or response about an energy supplier complaint, there are other services available to help you resolve your problem. If your energy supplier has ignored your attempts to contact, or the solution they’ve suggested isn’t suitable, you can contact Citizen’s Advice or your local Ombudsman service.

Citizen’s Advice offer free and impartial advice on rights and responsibilities. For energy supply complaints, they can inform you of both the rights you have but also the legal responsibilities of your energy supplier. This is a great service to use if you are unsure about a complaint to your gas supplier or electricity supplier.

One of the best options you have to ensure action is taken is your local Ombudsman service. They have an expert Energy Division, designed to help small businesses and energy providers reach suitable agreements over any and all problems. Remember, this is a free and independent service which is there to ensure you the get support you need with your energy supplier complaints.

Your local Ombudsman can force your energy provider to respond to your complaints, correct problems, apologise for poor service and even provide compensation. When complaints against energy suppliers have not been solved, this is a great place to go.

How to change your business energy supplier

If you're unhappy with your current supplier, it's time to switch to a better deal with one of Bionic's trusted suppliers. Give the commercial energy switching experts a call now on 0800 088 6986.

MoneySuperMarket has teamed with Bionic to simplify the whole process of switching by compiling a list of the most suitable tariffs. They can find the right tariff for you just by you providing us with simple information, such as:

  • The location of your business premises
  • The industry your business works in
  • Your average monthly energy usage

Speaking to providers one-by-one and comparing each tariff on offer is a long-winded process. We take this out of your hands, providing you with a list of the best energy tariffs for your requirements, all after only one phone call. And as Bionic has built up relationships with many of these providers, including national suppliers and independents too, you can reap the rewards.