Business Gas

Compare cheap gas prices

If you’ve let your last commercial energy plan rollover, or you’ve never switched supplier, then you’re probably paying too much for your business gas and electricity – and that means it’s time to switch to a better deal.

man and woman looking at tablet

MoneySuperMarket has teamed with Bionic to make help you make sure you’re getting the best deal on business gas rates.They'll compare quotes on your behalf to get the best rates from a panel of trusted suppliers. And they use smart data to compare rates in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do it yourself.

But before you compare business gas quotes, there are a few things you should know about business gas and how to get the cheapest rates.

What rate should your business be paying for gas?

The rate your business pays for gas depends upon things like the size of the company, the size of its premises, the number of employees, and what, if any, energy efficiency measures are in place.

If you’ve no idea how much gas a business the size of yours should be using, or how much you can expect its energy rates to be, the tables below should give you a good idea.

Average business gas use

Business size Low end usage (kWh) High end usage (kWh)
Micro business 5,000 15,000
Small business 15,000 30,000
Medium business 30,000 65,000

And to help you work out whether you’re getting a good deal, here are the average business gas prices per kWh for micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

Average business gas prices per kWh

Business size Average annual usage (kWh) Average price (per kWh) Standing charge (daily) Average annual price
Micro business 5,000 - 15,000 5p - 5.1p 19p - 25p £400 - £820
Small business 15,000 - 30,000 4.5p - 5p 19p - 25p £820 - £1458
Medium business 30,000 - 65,000 4.3p - 4.5p 24p - 25p £1458 - £2239

How to get the cheapest business gas prices

The first thing you need to know about switching business gas and electricity is that you can’t even consider changing supplier until your current deal is in renewal window, which usually opens between one and six months before its end date.

Don’t worry if you’re unsure when this renewal window starts, your supplier will write to you with your contract's end date and an offer to extend your existing deal - don’t accept this offer, else you’ll be placed on a ‘rollover tariff, which could see you paying your supplier’s most expensive rate.

Instead, use this letter as an opportunity to serve notice on your current deal and compare energy plans to find the cheapest business gas supplier. And don’t forget to let your current supplier know you want to end your contract with them, either by post or email, by the dates outlined in your renewal notice.

If you don’t terminate your current deal, it will automatically be extended on the more expensive ‘rollover’ rate.

Once that’s done, get in touch with our energy experts who will compare business gas plans to find a tariff that meets the needs and budget of your business. A ten-minute call is all is enough to give our experts the information they need to compare business energy tariffs from all suppliers

Once you’ve found a deal that suits, we’ll take care of the rest and your new supplier will be in touch to arrange things further.

For more details on how to switch business gas, go to How to switch business gas and electricity supplier.

How to get the best gas rates for multi-site and high-consumption businesses

If your business is located across a number of sites, and each location has its own meter, it could be more cost effective, and certainly more convenient, to have one provider overseeing your energy supply – you’ll have one bill showing the energy consumption of each site, and one renewal date.

Speak to the Bionic energy experts about gas supply for large businesses and we will help you find the most suitable and cost-effective multi-meter and multi-site energy plan.

If you’re currently on a deal that doesn’t suit your business, or you think you’re paying too much for your gas, or give the experts at Bionic a call on 0800 088 6986.